SPI has won a number of regional and national awards for rapid-growth and quality. These include the Inc. 500,Dallas 100, D/FW tech Titan Fast 50 and the Texas Crescent Technologies Award. In addition, SPI is ranked in the Top-50 Indo-American owned businesses by Indus Business Journal magazine, the top 100 minority owned companies in DiversityNews and in the annual “Top 200” by the Dallas Morning News-minority owned listing.
DFW Airport - Champions of diversity award 2023
USPAAC – Women in Leadership Legacy Award
USPAAC – Fast 50 Asian American Business Excellence Award
USPAAC – Regional TOP-10 Business Growth Award.
USPAAC – Outstanding Supplier Award in the South West region
Annual ranking of 500 Fastest Growing privately held U.S. companies
Annual ranking of the fastest growing technology companies in the Dallas/Fort Worth region.
Annual ranking of the fastest growing technology companies in the Dallas/Fort Worth region
Annual ranking of the fastest growing technology companies in the Dallas/Fort Worth region, over a 3-year period
Top 50 ranking of fastest growing Indo-American owned companies
Ranked 8th largest Indo-American woman-owned company in the U.S.